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September Newsletter

Hi Parents!


Here’s a note to let you know what we’re up to this month


Important Dates

  • Nothing specific as of yet...but, Cross Country and Soccer tryouts will start soon. 



  • We are finishing up our "iSelf" introduction project

  • The kids wrote a "letter to self" outlining their goals, hopes and expectations this year. They will be receiving them back to open and read at the end of the year.

  • Critical Thinking Journals - We do these every two weeks. 

  • We will start a book report that is a literacy/art project focusing on summarizing 



  • We start with basic number sense and numeration material, with a test coming at the end of the month. 

  • We will be starting a stock market contest, where I will introduce the stock market and investing, and we will track our gains and losses using basic number sense skills. 



  • We are building air conditioners to start our year as a fun STEM project that can also hopefully help cool the class.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Hope you all have a great week!

Mr. Ebel (Matt)

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